I wanted to thank those that participated in the Survey monkey poll. We had about 19 people respond and the goal is to use the data to create a better meeting experience for the group. There's many reasons why someone attends a meeting, but the main reason is that it's a safe place for people who stutter. Once the data is processed I would like to share the findings too.
We had 5 members and 1 Fullerton graduate student present at the meeting last night. Introductions first followed by what's been going. We had a round table discussion on work place stuttering. Should we discuss with co workers or Manager's that we do stutter? Should it be viewed as a disability? And if so, does the fact that we've made notice that we do stutter, affect our ability to preform that job? When one hears a person who stutters, does one assume our IQ is lower than the average person who doesn't stutter? Stuttering is hard to understand and it affects so many people differently. Each person figures out a way to make it work and thus deals with it in their own way. The following diagram is an investor's psychological phases one deals with in regards to the stock markets...bull market or bear markett. Perhaps these are similar to what someone who stutters goes thru...but optimism is the key. Next meeting is Thursday, March 24 led by Tom. See you then!
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