At this Wednesday night meeting of the NSA Orange County South group, 5 members were present. One brave soul showed up on crutches - nothing stops some NSA members from meetings. We began with introductions, where people stated where they were originally from & what was their first car. Members were originally from: California, Texas, New Jersey, Slovakia & Mexico. Everyone easily remembered their first car & had detailed memories about it. This was another public speaking meeting, but this time we did "Table Topics" instead of reading from a prepared text. For the uninitiated, Table Topics consists of each member writing down a topic on a piece of paper. The papers are then put together & each person picks one out randomly. Each person then speaks on the topic on his piece of paper. Only caveat is you can't talk on the topic you wrote down. Each person had about 10 minutes to speak. The topics were interesting & included "Are Some People Born Evil?", "Exercise" & "Have You Been Hiking & Where." People were encouraged to use any fluency techniques they may be working on while speaking on their topic. Another spontaneous subject that arose was how some TV shows are addictive especially "Breaking Bad."
Because of Thanksgiving, the next Wednesday meeting will be on November 20, & will go from 7:00 to 8:15 PM.
Hope everybody had a good Halloween.
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