Saturday, March 29, 2014

March 27 Meeting Update

There were 10 persons present at the March 27, 2014 meeting including a new member - welcome Thabith. This was the 1st of the 2nd meetings of the month to be held at the new time, day & place. It was very gratifying for there to be such a good turnout. Thanks to those who attended. 

Along with introductions, we opened the meeting with the question: Which person(s) in history do you most admire & why? Some interesting & unusual choices were given including: the framers of the Constitution & Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin. (No, Jimmy Page didn't help draft the Constitution, he's British.) A rousing chorus of "Stairway to Heaven" ensued - just kidding; I wanted to see if you were paying attention. 

Next (seriously), a group discussion was started based on the following premise: You come across an old fashioned oil lamp covered with dust. Thinking it might be a valuable antique, you start wiping off the dust & lo & behold - you guessed it - a magic genie appears! This is a different kind of genie, however, than the usual garden variety genie. This genie only appears to persons who stutter. Also, instead of the usual 3 wishes he only grants 1 wish (he's a cheap genie), and with these added caveats: the wish has to be directly connected to your stuttering (e.g. you can't wish you win the lottery & stutter when you claim the money, etc.), and you're not allowed to wish that you don't stutter anymore. What would you wish?A lot of interesting wishes were put forth, many around the themes of: saying whatever you wanted to say whether you stuttered or not; not worrying so much about what others think of you when you stutter; & not being so preoccupied with your stuttering all the time. Three of the more novel wishes were: "I wish my stuttering made me irresistible to the opposite sex";
 "I wish everyone else in the world stuttered"; & "I wish I held the patent to a magic pill that cured stuttering, started a drug company that produced it & got rich". A very thoughtful wish was: "I wish I could make it easier for children & teens who stutter so they wouldn't have to go through what I did." 

A side discussion also took place about the efficacy of drugs designed to help ease stuttering. Two of the members that had direct experience with some of these drugs that have been prescribed by a researcher at UC Irvine talked about their experiences. 

There was a little bit of time left over, so one person did a Table Topics presentation on "Favorite Kind of Music" What was learned from this was that nobody but the speaker had ever heard of Bill Haley & the Comets. (How is this possible?) The group redeemed itself somewhat by some members admitting they had heard of Jerry Lee Lewis. Maybe there's still hope.

The next meeting will be on Thursday, April 10, at 5:45 PM at Kaiser Permanente, 6 Willard, Irvine, 92604. Room 105 (near reception desk).

Friday, March 14, 2014

March 13 Meeting Update: 100 Times

We began our meeting by reading the Welcoming Words together. To introduce ourselves, we used a "structured communication" format: the beginning of a sentence was given, and each person completed it with a personal statement. For example:

The worst thing about stuttering is....

            ...that I can't say what I really want to say.
            ...that other will mimic the way I speak.
            ...being scared to stutter.
            ...hiding it.

What I want people to know about me is...
...that I'm normal.
...that I'm no different than anybody else.
...that I'm more than my stutter.
...that I'm a hard worker.

Afterwards we had a free-flowing discussion where members shared what was new in their lives. A few are either going through the interview process for a new job, or have just completed it. One member was recently hired in a field he's really passionate about. His story was very inspiring. He talked about his experience with the interviews, how nervous he was at the beginning. He blocked and stuttered often. But by the third round of interviews he decided to look at the experience as just a way to practice speaking and to build up his confidence, and forget about whether he would be hired or not. This is what enabled him, in his words, to "lean back" and take his time when he spoke.

Another member talked about a job he had answering the phone at a big retail store. He barely made it to through the first few calls. But the more he did it, the easier it got. By the hundredth phone call, he said, he wasn't afraid any more. It sounds crazy: to do something that scares you 100 times. In Outliers, a book about what it takes to be successful, Malcolm Gladwell writes that people at the top of their field have spent 10,000 hours practicing their craft. There's nothing like practice, getting your feet wet, just doing it--over and over and over again.

Our discussion was in full swing when the time to end the meeting came. It was a little disappointing that we had to stop; but that makes it all the more exciting to get to the next meeting!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014 Meeting Update

Four people were present at this meeting, including a new member. The first part of the meeting was a free wheeling discussion on various stuttering avoidance "tricks" most stutterers use. One member talked about how terrified he is to let anyone hear him stutter. Two of the members have been in speech therapy with the same SLP. They discussed the techniques this particular SLP uses & how it has helped them, or not. One of these members also talked about an upcoming job interview.

The second half of the meeting was given over to Table Topics. Topics were: "Job Interviews", "Favorite Movie", "Illegally Downloading Movies & Music" & "Will There Always Be Wars?". This writer drew the Illegally Downloading topic & didn't have a clue how to talk about it. The others informed me this practice is very widespread & easy to do. Another member preferred not to talk about the topic he drew & talked instead about his current college science project.

The next meeting is Thursday, 3/13/14 at 5:45PM at the Kaiser Medical Center, 6 Willard in Irvine, 92604.

The next Wednesday meeting is 3/26/14 at the Katie Wheeler Library,13109 Old Myford Rd, Irvine, 92602 in the downstairs meeting room, at 6:30 PM.

All of you should attend both meetings!